I need to place the following Ad in The Tribune, Chandigarh Sunday classified under the Rent column. Please suggest the number of words the Ad can include, rate and account where money can be transferred.


Please be informed that the focus days for publishing Rent Ads in The Tribune, Chandigarh Edition are Wednesdays and Saturdays and not Sundays. To book a classified text advertisement in your preferred newspaper and location please visit the following link: http://thetribune.releasemyad.com/rates/to-rent. Here you can review all the ad rates and discount packages associated with your requirements and conditions. 

You can also view the basic ad rate for publishing simple runon line or text ad in the Chandigarh edition of The Tribune on the aforementioned page. Text ads are charged on the basis of per 5 lines.

If you would like to book the ad, please log onto ReleaseMyAd.com and compose an ad with the help of our enhancements. You can make your payments via our online payment options that include Credit Cards/ Debit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, Maestro Card), Net Banking or Offline mediums such as Cheque Deposit, Demand Drafts as well as Cash Collection from Home / Office - NEFT (Online Cash Transfer). 

For Online Cash Transfer, please keep the following details in mind:

Account Name: ReleaseMyAd Media Pvt. Ltd 

Account Number: 031205004510

Bank: ICICI Bank Limited

Branch: Minto Park Branch

Branch Address: 2B Gorky Terrace, Kolkata -700017, West Bengal. India

IFSC Code: ICIC0000312

Related to: Tribune, To Rent, Payment Options, Rate Post date: 04/02/2013 - 05:27PM