What are the rates for booking Classified Ads in The Tribune?


Classified Ads in the Tribune are affordable and easy to book using our services. To know about the rates of booking advertisements with The Tribune all you need to do is log in to our website and choose TEXT Classifieds. Once you choose this, you will be led to a plethora of choices regarding category and edition. Once you make your selection and click on your choice you will find the rates.

Just clicking on the ‘Book Now’ tab here, will enable you to start booking.

Our booking process is simple and consists of only three stages: Composing the Ad, Selecting Dates, and Making Payments.

To know more about rates of Classified Ads you can also call us at 09830629298 or write to us at questions@releasemyad.com.

Related to: TribuneRate Post date: 01/07/2015 - 08:08AM